The Committee of Adjustment
North York Civic Centre
5100 Yonge Street, North York, ON M2N 5V7
March 30, 2024
Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: LETTER OF OBJECTION — File Number: A00xx/24NY Property Address: 33 YOUR RD
I object to the variances request to replace of the classic 1940s Leaside style Brick Bungalow at 33 Randolph Road with TWO new massive buildings ie. a 2-Storey House plus a 2-Storey Garden Suite, and also a Swimming Pool, rendering the place with literally No Green, as well as many matured Trees will be removed as a result. The proposition will also wipe out an Award Winning Garden in the adjacent neighbor’s front yard due to sunlight blockage by the Garden Suite, also potentially killing a massive Spruce Tree due to insufficient Tree Protection.
Conclusion: This application fails to meet the Four Tests of the Planning Act:-
1. The requested Minor Variances are too large and too important to be considered Minor (excessive FSI, coverage, building and wall heights, and deficient side yard setbacks, etc.).
2. Not desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and fails to preserve the character of the street and community. And as such,
3. Do not maintain the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law (as above).
4. Do not maintain the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan (as above).
I therefore wish to express my opposition and sincerely appeal to the Committee to deny this application in the interest of the neigbourhood and the society as a whole.
Yours truly,