Assuming “The Housing Crash Conspiracy Theory” is real, then foreign investors aren’t really the most significant factor.
Because foreigners made up of just about 5% of the real estate purchases in Canada.
That said, is 5% such a significant number (that can cause a severe housing crisis)?
Want my money or not? Image Source
The question remains … Is 5% such a big deal?
What now? Bar foreigners from buying real estate in this country?
Daphne Bramham: Should foreign welcome mat be rolled up until affordable housing is addressed?
Is it fair to make investors from mainland China scapegoats for our housing woe?
Wealthy foreigners: “We don’t just buy houses, we buy these beasts as well …”
Indeed a catch-22 situation … Big headache ahead.What is your take based on this finding?
What is the politically correct actions for Liberals to consider?
Asking one more time, do you want the cold hard Renminbi to flow into this land or not? Yes or no …? Image Source
If 5% foreign investment is no big deal (and not the major factor behind the housing crisis as per “The Housing Crash Conspiracy Theory”), then it looks like we better off focus on the main culprits a.k.a the infamous “House-Flippers” – these are mainly locals and who have been piling up debts higher than the Himalaya …